Bug Fixes
App Manager
In version 4, the application manager was using a shared system called AppStoreBase, but this was causing problems with how the system checked if tasks were completed. To fix this, we have removed the application manager from this checking system to ensure updates happen smoothly and statuses are checked correctly.
Apps Disappearing
Users experienced issues where the apps would load briefly and then disappear. We have fixed this by implementing a code fix for conditional filtering and updating the grid app's configuration to ensure the apps' stability and visibility.
Removing Whitespaces
We have fixed an issue where white spaces appeared on the product pages due to hidden apps not being removed from the grid configuration. The grid app now correctly removes hidden apps, ensuring that columns and rows are properly reshuffled and no unnecessary white spaces are displayed.
Line Chart
We have addressed issues with the line chart rebasing where it would not stop rebasing at the last data point when there is no data, maintains its rebasing when toggling between period selectors, and renders correctly when the hideNoData option is enabled, ensuring accurate data analysis over time.
Rebasing Not Working
We have fixed an issue with the line chart rebasing, where it was not starting from the configured startValue. The line chart now correctly initializes and continues plotting data from the startValue, ensuring accurate tracking of growth from the baseline value.
Apps Disappearing
Users experienced issues where the apps would load briefly and then disappear. We have fixed this by implementing a code fix for conditional filtering and updating the grid app's configuration to ensure the apps' stability and visibility.
URL Tab Name
The URLs with tab names were not working correctly, causing users to be directed to the default tab instead of the specified tab. We have fixed this issue by ensuring that the URL now correctly navigates to the desired tab.