General Accessibility
All Applications
Message Context
Support for the message context manager has been added, enhancing the ability to manage and utilise message contexts effectively.
RedirectButton to RedirectLink
The RedirectButton
has been converted to RedirectLink
, enhancing accessibility for users.
Disclaimer Text
The accessibility issue caused by the semantically incorrect use of a <span>
tag has been resolved by replacing it with a <div>
Text Content
The accessibility issue caused by adding the role of text to a section containing the text has been resolved, ensuring better compliance and user experience.
Tooltip Wrapper
The accessibility issue caused by the semantically incorrect use of a <span>
tag has been resolved by replacing it with a <div>
tag within the List Group.
Visually Hidden
The accessibility issue for the Document Menu has been resolved by passing the visually hidden component as a <span>
. By default, it will now return a <div>
App Specific Accessibility
Back Button
We have improved accessibility by ensuring that when a screen reader navigates to the back button, it reads out a meaningful label describing its function. Additionally, the SVG image will no longer be announced by the screen reader, enhancing the user experience for those relying on assistive technologies.
Attestation Wizard
Message Context
The Attestation Wizard now includes Message Context implementation and has added default translations. This enhancement ensures that users receive relevant information dynamically and in their preferred language, improving the overall user experience.
Select Profile
We have implemented roles for buttons to ensure they are read at the start by screen readers. This enhancement improves accessibility and provides a better user experience for those relying on assistive technologies.
Interactable Elements
We have disabled the ripple effect on checkboxes and radio buttons, replacing it with a static border to better comply with accessibility standards. Additionally, the accessibility of radio buttons has been improved by adding roles and IDs, enhancing the user experience for those relying on assistive technologies.
- Removed aria-describedby and aria-labelledby: These attributes were removed from the component config options to streamline accessibility settings.
- Implemented VisuallyHidden component: This enhancement provides better context for screen readers, improving accessibility.
- Added a back drop component: This component indicates when the app is busy, enhancing user experience during long tasks.
- Implemented Static Translations: Loading and Done loading texts now have static translations for better accessibility.
Bar Chart
Chart Navigation
Translation keys have been added to the chart navigation, enhancing localisation and user experience for different languages.
RedirectButton to RedirectLink
The RedirectButton
has been converted to RedirectLink
, enhancing accessibility for users.
Document Menu
Visually Hidden Context for Download Items
File size and type have been added as visually hidden context to download items, enhancing accessibility and providing additional information for screen readers.
Document Explorer
RedirectButton to RedirectLink
The RedirectButton
has been converted to RedirectLink
, enhancing accessibility for users.
Pagination - Focus on First Element
The Document Explorer now includes the ability to reassign focus to the first row of the table when changing pages. This enhancement ensures that users can navigate the table more easily and efficiently.
RedirectButton to RedirectLink
The RedirectButton
has been converted to RedirectLink
, enhancing accessibility for users.
Fund Cards
RedirectButton to RedirectLink
The RedirectButton
has been converted to RedirectLink
, enhancing accessibility for users.
App Cards
The issue of duplicate ID attributes on app cards has been resolved, ensuring better accessibility and compliance with web standards.
Fund Manager
RedirectButton to RedirectLink
The RedirectButton
has been converted to RedirectLink
, enhancing accessibility for users.
The issue of missing and non-configurable headings has been resolved, ensuring better accessibility and configurability.
Global Inputs
ARIA Labels for Menu Buttons
ARIA labels have been added to both the menu button and the mega menu button, enhancing accessibility and ensuring better screen reader support.
Line Chart
Chart Navigation
Translation keys have been added to the chart navigation, enhancing localisation and user experience for different languages.
Chart Period Selection
The Chart Period List has been refactored to better conform to accessibility requirements, ensuring a more inclusive user experience.
Page Header
Drop Down
The Dropdown now includes Message Context implementation and has resolved an accessibility issue by changing the role from listbox to menubar. This enhancement ensures better accessibility and user experience for dropdown forms.
Pie Chart
Chart Navigation
Translation keys have been added to the chart navigation, enhancing localisation and user experience for different languages.
Scatter Chart
Chart Navigation
Translation keys have been added to the chart navigation, enhancing localisation and user experience for different languages.
Summary Banner
RedirectButton to RedirectLink
The RedirectButton
has been converted to RedirectLink
, enhancing accessibility for users.
Message Context
The Table app now triggers message context when expanding rows to fetch child rows. This enhancement ensures that users receive relevant information dynamically as they interact with the table.
List Group Semantic HTML
We have resolved an accessibility issue by replacing the semantically incorrect use of a <div>
tag with a <ul>
tag within the List Group. This improvement ensures better compliance with web standards and enhances the user experience for those relying on assistive technologies.
RedirectButton to RedirectLink
The RedirectButton
has been converted to RedirectLink
, enhancing accessibility for users.
Functional Improvements
All Applications
API Client - Web Worker
This initiative involves offloading blocking or resource-intensive operations to web workers. The web workers manage the execution of code on a separate thread, enhancing our application's overall responsiveness and efficiency. We also allowed users to opt in and not use web workers for the API Client.
Base URL
The use of TemplateConfig.externalScriptsBasePath
has been removed in favour of relative URLs, allowing the user's domain to be used and relying on proxies to fetch assets for the app at /applicationManager/apps/{guid}/asset.ext
Intersection Observer
The use of the intersection observer has been defaulted to false, ensuring that it is disabled by default for better performance and control.
The process for fetching translations when the culture changes has been updated, preventing translation keys from displaying while new translations are being fetched.
Asset Cache
A 14-day cache has been added to all asset requests, improving load times and reducing server load.
Attestation Wizard
API Client - Country Code
We have moved the setting of globalUserCountryKey
to KsysRequest
. This update ensures that the country code is correctly set for global users, improving the accuracy and functionality of the API client.
Bar Chart
Conditional Bar Chart Colours
The colours of the bars in the Bar Chart are now set conditionally based on the data, providing a more intuitive and visually informative representation.
Bridged Bar Chart
The bridged bar chart has been implemented, providing a new visualisation option for data representation.
Global Search Integration
The app has been updated to consume Global Search events and use the search term in redirect actions. This enhancement ensures that users can seamlessly navigate to relevant content based on their search queries.
DXM Content
Migration to v4
The DXM Content app has been migrated into the studio-apps repository in this release, making it available in v4. This update consolidates the app's development and maintenance, streamlining the workflow for developers.
Global Search
Migration to v4
Internal results implementation has been upgraded from v2 to v4 for improved performance.
Toggle Button
A new toggle button with a modal has been added for better user interaction.
Dropdown List
Implemented a dropdown list with redirect links to streamline search results navigation.
Configuration Changes
Updated configurations for setting up API requests and visual elements to enhance functionality.
All components now include accessibility (A11y) features to ensure inclusivity.
White Label Styling
Applied white label styling for a consistent and customisable look.
Searchbar Icon
The default button icon for the searchbar is now a white magnifying glass.
Loaders and Placeholders
Added loaders and placeholders to improve the user experience while results are loading.
All Results Link
Introduced an "All Results" link for comprehensive search results access.
Learning History
PDF Generation Using Web Worker
The network request for generating PDFs has been refactored to use web worker requests, improving performance and efficiency.
Line Chart
The tooltip now includes a translate option on the label and a formatter for each part of the value when the value is an array, providing clearer and more detailed information.
Pie Chart
The tooltip now includes a translate option on the label and a formatter for each part of the value when the value is an array, providing clearer and more detailed information.
No Data Translation Placeholder
The application now includes a "no data" translation placeholder for empty tab panels. This enhancement ensures that users receive a clear message when there is no data available, improving the overall user experience.
Tab Grid No Data Children
The app has been refactored to only remove apps that have communicated they don’t have data. This ensures that if there is a misalignment between the grid or app configuration on app ID, the apps will not be removed, allowing users to identify and fix empty blocks in the configuration.
All Applications
Conditional Helper
The conditional helper has been refactored to use regex and custom code instead of eval for processing AND & OR statements within conditional queries, improving security and reliability.