The Real Growth podcast
A series of podcasts to keep you on the cutting edge of digital marketing in financial services.
WordPress Plugins: 7 Ways to Maximise Your Fund Management Website
As far as Content Management Systems (CMS) go, WordPress is certainly a safe bet for many companies. Here at Kurtosys, WordPress is our trustworthy tool
UCITS and the rebirth of hedge funds
Hedge funds as a whole have struggled to perform in the last couple of years, with mediocre returns dragging down the average, despite decent returns
MiFID II Level 2: Sales, Distribution & Marketing…are you miffed?
Firstly, I’d like to start with a disclosure: This blog is not about the legal interpretation of MiFID or an analysis of the detailed prose
What Does GDPR Mean for UK Advisers Post-Brexit?
Asset managers tempted to relax when it comes to the new European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) now the UK has voted to leave
Kurtosys shortlisted in Investment Week’s 2016 Fund Services Awards
Kurtosys is thrilled to be one of the finalists in this year’s Investment Week Fund Services Awards, shortlisted in the category for Best Technology Provider.
How the New DOL Fiduciary Rule Is Disrupting the U.S. Advisory Landscape
When the U.S. Department of Labor recently changed the rules of the financial advisory game, you would have thought the sky was falling based on
Asset Management After Brexit: Why No News is Not Good News
If you’re in the fund management business, it doesn’t get much tougher than the sort of task that has faced firms including M&G, Aviva, Standard
Kurtosys Co-Founder works with Founders4Schools
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – Mon 18 Jul 2016 – Harry Thompson, Co-Founder at Kurtosys Systems spoke at the Sinai Jewish Primary School in London to Year 6 students.
Why Asset Managers Must Speak With One Voice
We all say different things to different people from time to time, generally with confidence that a nuance here and an emphasis there won’t come