Delight your investors with a world-class fund centre
Your fund centre is the heart of your site. With Kurtosys Studio, you can configure a fund centre in no time that will help investors and advisors find the products, data, and documents they are looking for with minimal fuss. The design and features are fully configurable, meaning you can create an experience that is as unique as your business.

Search and filter
Search for products by name, identifier or category. Provide specific filters to allow them to shop for groups of products by asset class, strategy, or product type.
Key columns
Provide quick links to factsheets, offer excel data downloads, or show ratings information in key columns.
Fund cards
Provide quick access to the entirety of a fund’s information at a glance with a fund card. Surface up key facts, performance charts, fund manager bios, key documents, and disclosures.
Let your investors favourite frequently accessed products for future retrieval or comparison purposes.
Product tabs
A single fund centre can be configured to showcase various products and contain different setups for each.
Registered for sale integration
Fund centres can automatically display the correct products based on investor eligibility and jurisdiction, meaning you never market the wrong product to clients.
To find out more about fund data experiences, download the PDF.
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